LittleVillageMaumee 1315 Michigan Ave, Maumee, OH 419-887-1685

First and foremost, Little Village believes the safety, health and happiness of the child is a priority. It is our belief that the teacher is the most important factor needed to achieve high quality care. Also, it is necessary to meet the child where they are and to provide meaningful and developmentally appropriate experiences so each child feels successful at his level of ability.
Educational professionals have proven that the years of 0-5 to be the best time for cognitive development. Our structured curriculum offers both hands on and teacher led activities to develop better language and math skills, fine and gross motor skills, along with social and emotional maturity. These experiences at the preschool setting, along with family and play experiences form the foundation for the theories and ideas of how the physical and social world.
The mission of Little Village Preschool is to provide an environment for early learning in a warm and positive atmosphere. We want this first introduction to education away from home one that will foster a continued love for learning, an interest in the world and an acceptance of its people.